Sunday, 19 February 2017

The Species list stands at 99 so far for 2017

View list Here

This blog replaces the posting that used to be on the KOS website sightings page.
If you would like to send any sightings to me for posting, you can at

February 19th

A slightly later start this morning and no sound of the Long-eared Owl but, just caught the last couple of hoots of the Tawny Owl. A Woodcock whizzed past on the Paddock track and a Bittern flew in from the south east over the Ramp and dropped in to the reeds near the river bank opposite Feast hide. There were 142 Mute Swans out of roost, 7 Shelducks, 320 Lapwings, 3 Snipe, 1 Green Sandpiper, 2 Black-tailed Godwits and 550 Teal. Five Marsh Harriers seen today including the red tagged female but no Hen Harriers today. There were 2 Grey Herons, at least 1500 Cormorants over, 1 Greylag Goose, 1 Little Egret, 41 Gadwall, 1 Ring-necked Parakeet, 1 drake Wigeon and 1 drake Tufted Duck. Harrison's produced 8 Skylarks but no sign of any Stonechats plus, several Reed Buntings and a dozen Meadow Pipits. A Water Pipit was in front of Feast hide a Water Rail called from Reed Bed hide, 4 Great-crested Grebes were on the Lake and Kestrel, Sparrowhawk and Common Buzzard were seen.
Gadwall at Feast hide

Water Pipit at Feast hide

Wigeon and Gadwall at Feast hide