The Species list stands at 98 so far for 2017
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This blog replaces the posting that used to be on the KOS website sightings page.
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February 18th
Arriving at Grove early (05:30) to lay seed before setting up the scope and returning to the car a Tawny Owl was calling a fair way off and stopping to listen, as not heard one here in months!. a Long-eared Owl started calling somewhere below the houses on Grove Hill opposite the Paddocks. From the Ramp there were 7 Shelducks, 166 Mute Swans out of roost, no sign of the Bewick's but, they may have been on the back pools, 300 Teal, 340 Lapwings and 2 Black-tailed Godwits. There were 6 Marsh Harriers including a red wing tagged bird that was born on the reserve 4/5 years ago. The tag number was half hidden by feathers but the readable half was a '0'. Six Greylag Geese passed overhead and another 3 were later at Feast hide. A ringtail Hen Harrier flew east, 1 Cetti's Warbler was heard and from Feast hide there were 16 Gadwall, 3 Tufted Duck and 2 drake Wigeon. Marsh hide produce only 2 pairs of territorial Lapwings and 1, there may have been more, Water Pipit and a Stonechat. There was another pair of Stonechats by the Metal Bridge near Harrison's, 3 singing Skylarks and a flyover Green Sandpiper. A quick look at Collard's revealed several Tufted Duck, Pochard and Shoveler, Wigeon seemed to be hiding below the tree line and there were 6 Goldeneye (3 drakes), a Bittern that Sue located and a Common Buzzard in the field.