Saturday, 11 February 2017

The Species list stands at 97 so far for 2017

View list Here

This blog replaces the posting that used to be on the KOS website sightings page.
If you would like to send any sightings to me for posting, you can at

February 11th

With snow on the ground i went to Stodmarsh this morning to look for bird and animal tracks and was surprised that i was the only one at this end of the reserve ( 8.30-10am).It was fairly quiet on the bird front with a few Teal and Mallard on the main lake plus 2 Great crested grebe. There were quite a few Fox, Moorhen and Water rail prints along the path by the alder wood and i soon found what i was looking for on the lampen wall, a single set of Otter prints coming out of the main lake ( almost opposite the raft ) and heading up the path to the tower hide .I then checked the track they use almost daily just up from Basil's bench and there were many tracks going across the path. There were 4 Water pipits at the water meadow .The Cormorant's at collards are on the nest, i noted they were in breeding plumage in the second week of January.  
(Bryan East)

At the Grove End with Sue and Bernie we noted 4 Bewick's Swans with 73 Mute Swans from the Ramp, 6 Tufted Ducks, 1 Pochard, 1 Kingfisher and a small unidentified 'Grey' Goose hat flew up the Valley! Only 3 Marsh Harriers seen and 2 ringtail Hen Harriers plus 285 Lapwing, 3 Snipe, 1 Black-tailed Godwit, 1200 Cormorants and 1 Kestrel. At Marsh hide Bernie added 2 Stonechats to the pair we had along Harrison's and 4 Water Pipits and, at Feast hide there were 113 Teal and 28 Gadwall. On the telegraph wires near Stodmarsh village were 14 Corn Buntings, 5 + Yellowhammers were in the village and on the fields at Collards were 343 Greylag Geese.

Three adults and one juvenile Bewick's Swans

Three adults and one juvenile Bewick's Swans

Otter Prints (Bryan East)

Otter Prints (Bryan East)