Friday 9 August 2019

The Stour Valley list for 2019 stands at 147 species so far.
Please send your sightings to

August 9th

A wet morning at Stodmarsh and just outside the village in a field next to the aptly named Goose cottage i counted 338 Grey lag geese plus the white farm ( probably an Embden  judging by it's size ) goose. I just went to the Reed bed hide where there was 1 Green sandpiper, 3 Sedge warbler, 1 Snipe, 4 juvenile Lapwing, 1 Water rail, 1 Kingfisher, 30+ Sand martin, 30 Black headed gull and 10 Common tern. The Great crested grebe that i saw nest building in late July are still on the nest and should hatch in a couple of weeks time. There is a lot of exposed mud at this hide but very few wader's. 
(Bryan East)