Sunday 9 September 2018

The Stour Valley list for 2018 stands at 160(+1) species so far.

September 9th

Despite the rise in water levels and, no sign for the past two weeks the Spotted Crake showed again this morning at 06.00 just of the edge of the very small amount of mud that was the spit. It was impossible to do any proper Duck counts today as the twonks with their shotguns were blasting away from just after 05.30 until after 08.00, how the heck they know what they are shooting at in the dark beggars belief. However the 2 Garganey were still present for a little while and a Pintail flew over with a large group of Mallards. Couldn't locate any Whinchats yesterday but, managed just one behind Harrison's today. Warbler numbers are down on last week as are other small birds with just 7 Sedge Warblers, 2 Reed Warblers, 7 Common Whitethroats, a few Reed Buntings and Blue Tits but no Lesser Whitethroats (one yesterday). What was nice to hear was a Cetti's Warbler in front of Harrison's hide, a bird that has been absent from the Grove end all summer. Another rarity seen was 2 Greenfinch in the Paddock. Other birds noted today were a Great Tit inside Harrison's hide (safely released), 5 Marsh Harriers, 1 Black-tailed Godwit, 1 Green Sandpiper, 6 Snipe and 107 Lapwings. A Red Underwing was on the screen on the Ramp at Grove on Saturday.
Great Tit released from Harrison's Hide

Red Underwing Moth