Monday, 2 April 2018

The Stour Valley list for 2018 stands at 114(+1) species so far.

April 2nd

The month of March went out with a whimper with very little being noted and no new migrants as yet. April the first however, saw a new tick with two more on the second. The Ramp had the usual 60 odd Teal, up to 4 Shelduck, a couple of pairs of Shoveler, a few Mallard and one or two Lapwings. The Great-white Egret put in a show on the 31st and again today (2nd). On Sunday 1st two Gulls flew in and thinking they were both Lesser Black-backed they landed in the field beside the entrance track revealing the second bird to be a 3rd winter Yellow-legged Gull that after a few minutes carried on up the Valley. There were 4+  Water Pipits at Marsh hide as well as 2 Dunlin, 1 Redshank and a dozen pairs of Lapwings. As it was a quiet day Sue and I decided to look at Stodmarsh lake for any Ducks or Gulls that may have strayed but drew a blank but, there were plenty of singing Chiffchaffs around plus 12+ singing male Cetti's Warblers. Strangely there is not a single Cetti's at the Grove end and i have not heard one there since 17th February. We moved up to Collard's, again for vagrant Ducks and Gulls and almost instantly connected with Brendan's Scaup which was a very nice surprise. We also added to Firecrest to our lists at Cow Corner. Toady a Bittern was booming at Stodmarsh/Collard's and an Avocet called overhead in the semi-darkness, but i could not locate it, very little else there just a pair of Pochard, a air of Great-crested Grebes and 3 Greylags on the lake. Back up to Collard's early and the drake Scaup was still present along with 5 Goldeneye and also at least 3 Swallows and 6 Sand Martins passed through. A drive to Grove and the 3/w Yellow-legged Gull was in a roadside field with 8 or so Lesser Black-backed Gulls and Herring Gulls and from the Ramp the Great-white Egret was on show. Still no Sedge Warblers or Garganey, perhaps Chiddy will get them during the week.
Of interest, a female Marsh Harrier that was tagged as chick at Stodmarsh 4 or 5 years ago still retains one of her red tags and, is currently paired to a very striking male and both are in the process of nest building.
Marsh Harrier

Marsh Harrier