The Species list stands at 161 so far for 2016
Sightings will now be posted here and will be up and running properly from January 1st.
If you would like to send any sightings to me for posting, you can at
Saturday 26th
A before dawn start on the Ramp at Grove just after 06.00 with Dave Sutton, Bernie Weight and Sue Morton. There were no sign of any Bean Geese from the Ramp this morning but, 47 Greylags left before light. Later, presumably, the same 47 returned followed by a further 101 in three different flocks. A Water Rail cried from in front of the Ramp but remained unseen while on the pool were 50 Lapwings, a pair of Pintail, 3 of todays 8 Shovelers and 298 Teal. Marsh Harriers out of roost reached 9, 2 Green Sandpipers gave a flyby, 1 Kingfisher was at the base of the Ramp and a flock of 18 Magpies were on the reserve. Squadrons of Cormorants were leaving their roost with a record total of 1032 counted. Ducks included 18 Gadwall, 1 drake Wigeon and 26 Mallards while 16 Mute Swans, 2 Sparrowhawks, 2 Kestrels, 160 Fieldfares, 1 Skylark and 6 Stock Doves were seen Two Cetti's Warblers, a Ring-necked Parakeet and on or two Bearded Tits were heard and a pair of Stonechats were encountered. The session ended abruptly when at 10.30 news of a Forster's Tern at Folkstone had us heading south.
The new view from Feast's Hide