Saturday, 10 August 2013

I Don't Care, I Love It

Patch Birding

With the light rising later in the mornings I didn’t arrive at Grove until 5.00am to find Alan Ashdown waiting in his new car. A quick chat as we got ready then on to the Ramp for another gruelling session at the ‘Patch’. A Hobby came out of the gloom while hawking over the reed bed soon after our arrival while Little Egrets were dropping in from the back pools with a total of 12 individuals seen before they dispersed around the reserve. Counting through the Teal I came across a 1st year type Garganey and at 6.15am a 1st winter Mediterranean Gull flew over the pool and headed up the valley with a couple of Black-heads while back on the pool a further 2 Garganey appeared. There were 5 Water Rails showing, it’s amazing how showy they become this time of year, but no matter how hard we looked we couldn’t make any into Spotted Crakes. Joined by Sue Morton we attempted to view the pool at Harrison’s Drove but it was mostly obscured by very large stands of Willowherb leaving just a small distant area on show, we did however see 6 Green Sandpipers and 1 Wood Sandpiper here. A walk to Marsh hide proved fruitless so we trudged back to Feast hide where a Kingfisher proved active in its fish catching suggesting it had a brood nearby even perching on the 'Chiddy Stick' for a while.
Kingfisher at 100th of a second in the early gloom

Kingfisher at 100th of a second in the early gloom

Kingfisher at 100th of a second in the early gloom

A single Common Tern was seen, 6 Marsh Harriers including 3 juveniles and 1 male were noted and there was a single Dunlin on the Ramp pool. The journey home had me stop at Restharrow Scrape at Sandwich Bay for an hour and half where there were 2 Little Grebes attending their nest, 2 Little Egrets and 5 Canada Geese. There were 66 Lapwings but a young Peregrine Falcon buzzed through a couple of times sending all birds out of the scrape although after they had settled back a Ruff dropped in as did a Green sandpiper and a juvenile Yellow-legged Gull.
Immature Peregrine Falcon

Immature Peregrine Falcon
Juvenile Yellow-legged Gull
Juvenile Yellow-legged Gull
Over exposed!! Juvenile Yellow-legged Gull