The Stour Valley list for 2025 stands at 102 species so far
Please send your sightings to
February 23rd
This morning David Feast had two Sand Martins over the lake at Stodmarsh. This is by far our earliest ever and may even be the earliest Kent record.
February 19th
A flock of Brent Geese over Grove @ 01:32 this morning
(Marc Heath)
February 12th
There were 6 Barnacle geese in the fields outside the village this morning among a large flock of Greylags. Not much else to report but i did find an old Hornet nest a few weeks ago near the tower hide.
(Bryan East)
January 30th
The species list to the end of January currently stands at 95. Mostly common birds seen regularly but the drake Scaup still resides on Collard’s Lake, the Cattle Egrets topped 34 making a new Stour Valley record and, 6 Hen Harriers have been leaving roost at Grove Ferry although, only up to 4 are seen coming in in an evening! Best bird so far was on the 24th when a juvenile/second calendar Glaucous Gull that flew down river, just before the road bridge, past 3 of us before turning back and gaining height before heading over the houses towards Upstreet. The Cormorant numbers remain high with up to 5000 birds streaming out towards the coast each morning. Three Long-eared Owls have regularly been seen in a roost not on public view and, there seems to be less Water Pipits around this year with up to 7 being seen. Usually get between 12 and 25? Three Russian White-fronted Geese and 5 Barnacle Geese have been with the Greylag Geese near Undertrees Farm Hopefully his year will be better than last year and some good species turn up.