The Stour Valley list for 2018 stands at 104 species so far.
March 5th
A trip to the marsh hide from the Stodmarsh end this morning and there were 8 Lapwing with a pair going through the mating display, 1 Water Pipit, 1 Redshank and 2 Carrion crow of which one buried what looked like entrails and then covered it up, behaviour i have not seen for a while. There were 8 Goldfinch and 7 Chaffinch in the alder wood but not much else. David Feast had a male Hen Harrier Sunday morning 4th March and Ben had a Golden Plover at marsh hide last Wednesday 28 Feb. Two Canada Geese were at Collard's this morning and the Black-necked Grebe was still present per Brendan Ryan..