The Stour Valley list for 2018 stands at 99 species so far.
February 18th
Well, not a lot of change in the Stour Valley at the moment as mentioned by Bryan last week. This weekend was supposed to be the WeBS count but fog on both days and -3 and frozen lakes put paid to any real counting. A single Woodcock flew to roost early on Saturday morning and the Great-white Egret put in an appearance on both days. There were 16 Water Pipits at the Marsh hide on Saturday and Sunday there was 15 Water Pipits at the Ramp otherwise, much of the same all round. Sunday morning we decided to have a look at Trenleypark Wood to try of Lesser-spotted Woodpecker. Seen here most years but usually always difficult and elusive. Well, what a glorious morning to be in the woods, plenty of birds singing showing signs that spring is just round the corner. Not long after entering the wood we were watching a pair of Lesser-spotted Woodpeckers in the top of the bare Oaks. Also near the Woodpeckers in a large area of Scrub Chiddy spotted a Marsh Tit, pretty much a MEGA bird here with only one previous sighting in the last 20 years. A bird found by Sue Morton at Fordwich about 7 years ago! Today, however, we were watching FOUR birds feeding with Goldfinches, Blue Tits and Great Tits. On the way back to the cars we came across what was probably the same pair of Lesser-spotted Woodpeckers and what was possibly a third. A great morning.
Marsh Tit
Marsh Tit