Sunday, 14 January 2018

The Stour Valley list for 2018 stands at 94 species so far.

January 14th

A morning at the Grove end of the reserve produced just one male Hen Harrier although, the second may have been seen at Stodmarsh by David Feast. Once again no sign of any Bewick's Swans, perhaps we need another cold snap. A Ban Owl was hunting near the Oxbow early doors before flying in the direction of the boat house at Stodmarsh. A Hawfinch flew south over the Ramp around 8.15 and luckily enough Marc Heath was able to connect as it passed over. There were 7 Marsh Harriers and streams of Cormorants, anywhere between 2500 and 300 birds. Two Little Egrets flew east out of the reserve early and there were another 5 with cattle near Collard's. The Great-white Egret flew in and dropped out of sight on the back pools. It then flew over on to the Ramp pool and that is where we left it. Other birds noted were 1 calling Ring-necked Parakeet, 2 male Stonechats, 1 Water Pipit at Marsh hide, 1 Sparrowhawk, 1 Bearded Tit, 1 Little Grebe. Little Grebe was new for the year seen yesterday by Marc Heath. Two drake Goldeneye remain on Collard's lake and a pair of Yellowhammers were in roadside bushes near the new house that used to be the Black Barn where Little Owl used to frequent. A Firecrest was new for the year seen in the Grove Ferry car park by Simon G as reported on Whats' App.