Sunday, 24 September 2017

The Species list stands at 156 so far for 2017

View list Here

If you would like to send any sightings to me for posting, you can at

September 24th

Al still fairly quiet at Grove Ferry at the moment and with still no muddy fringes it looks like this year will be a Spotted Crake free zone, even the Water Rails aren't showing as well as they normally would!. Occasional Green Sandpiper from the Ramp, Feast or Harrison's hides but the best for waders at present is Marsh hide although, with the water level dropping at Marsh hide the birds have moved to the adjacent non viewable pool but, recent days there has been 4 Ruff, 4 Dunlin, 2 Wood Sandpipers and 3 Green Sandpipers here (thanks Steve Ashton for the Dunlin and Wood Sand news). There were plenty of Ducks and geese on the Ramp pool this morning but counting was completely obliterated by a dozen shotguns going of as some Greylags passed over the next field to the reserve boundary thus causing absolute panic on the pool with birds off in all directions. A couple of minutes later just 2 Lapwing and 5 or 6 Teal were all that was left!!! A Kingfisher was performing well at Harrison's hide catching a small Frog, Fish and regular hovering. Highlight, however, toady was as I had just crossed the iron bridge between Harrison's and Middle droves a flock of 7 Great-white Egrets flew past me heading out towards Pegwell/Sandwich at 08:30. Back on the Ramp at 09:00 and very little there except 2 Little Egrets, 1 Grey Heron and 1 Great-white Egret. Seven Great-white Egrets is a record number for the Stour Valley with the highest count being 3 birds together just 2 years ago.
Six of todays seven Great-white Egrets,
sadly I was to late extracting the camera
and they had passed before I got a shot off!!!

A lovely sunny morning at Grove Ferry and there was a Great White Egret at the ramp, one of several Martyn has seen this morning, quite a few Bearded tit's around and 1 Whinchat. At harrisons a Kingfisher was on the branch fishing, 2 caught, when the Great White flew up from the ramp and landed at the far end of the hide. A female Sparrow Hawk was being mobbed by 2 Carrion crows near the river and also seen were 2 Kestrels and 1 Marsh Harrier . There were 3 Common Blue, 1 Peacock, 2 Small White and 1 Red Admiral along harrisons drove.
(Bryan East)

Great-white Egret - Bryan East

Kingfisher - Bryan East