he Species list stands at 155 so far for 2017
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If you would like to send any sightings to me for posting, you can at martynwilson@talktalk.net
September 2nd/3rd
The morning of Saturday 2nd started with the call of a Greenshank coming from the Ramp area where there were also several Lapwing, 1 juvenile Ruff, 30 Greylag Geese, 3 Pochards and 3 Garganey but, no sign of the still calling Greenshank. Teal numbers are slowly growing, a Little Egret is still in attendance and at least 4 juvenile Marsh Harriers on site plus 5 or 6 adults. The best of the birds at the moment seem to be at Marsh hide where there was 5 of todays 6 Green Sandpipers, 1 juvenile Ruff, 3 Greenshanks, several Meadow Pipits, a high flying Great-crested Grebe over and a showy Bittern. Other birds included 1 Kingfisher showing well at Harrison's, 4 Whinchats, 70+ Goldfinch, 3 Water Rails, an adult and juvenile Common Tern and a Common Buzzard. Sunday was just a short visit but the 3 Garganey were still off the Ramp, a single Whinchat in fields beside the Ramp and a fly through Sparrowhawk. There was a Wheatear along Harrison's drove by Savi's pool, 2 Kingfishers flew down river and a Spotted Flycatcher was doing just that in the Paddock on the way out.