Wednesday, 30 August 2017

The Species list stands at 154 so far for 2017

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August 26th-28th

Of note over the Bank holiday weekend was an adult winter Little Stint on the small amount of visible mud from the Ramp on Saturday morning but no further sign the rest of the weekend, there were also 6 Garganey from the Ramp on Saturday, just 2 drake Garganey from Feast hide on Sunday and Monday was shrouded in fog most of the morning and no Garganey were seen. After the first 2 Whinchats arrived last weekend, only one appears to present this weekend. The area that seems to be most productive is in front of Marsh hide with up to 6 Green Sandpipers, 1 Wood Sandpiper, 11 Snipe and a juvenile Ruff present on most days. No Further sign of last weeks eclipse Mandarin but Duck numbers are slowly increasing with Teal starting to show up, also several hundred Mallards passing through during the early hours. A Curlew was calling in the fog on Sunday morning but remained unseen and 1 of the juvenile/immature Shelducks is still hanging around. Juvenile Marsh Harriers are seen at the Grove end with another 2-3 putting on a show at Marsh hide. There appears to have been a clear out of Warblers with only a few Reed and Sedge noted and only 1 Whitethroat on Sunday. Hopefully the Autumn will gather pace during September and October.