The Species list stands at 139 so far for 2017
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April 30th
The wind had swung round tot an east south easterly making it much colder on site today and therefore less bird song, only 1 Nightingale heard, no sound of any Turtle Doves and yet again no Reelers. From the Ramp there were 2 Avocets and 3 Wigeon as well as the ducks present yesterday. David Feast added Common Sandpiper yesterday flying over the lake at Stodmarsh and today there were 2 Common Sandpipers from the David Feast hide. Sue and I walked the complete circuit without much reward, a single Yellow Wagtail at Marsh hide, 7 Common Terns on the lake, several Cetti's Warblers, Whitethroats Reed and Sedge Warblers. A sort of roaring/booming made me think I could hear a Bittern then realised it was the roar of a Lion, presumably the ones at Wingham Wildlife Park to the south east! Raptors included 2 Kestrels, 1 Sparrowhawk and 8 Marsh Harriers, left to early for Hobbies but 3 were seen later at Grove by Dave Dowell. The lone Greenfinch was singing at the Paddocks and a further 2 Greenfinches were at Collard's.
Raven over the Stodmarsh carpark at about midday, 5 Hobby from Reedbed hide.
(Allen Williams)
Common Sandpipers