Monday, 24 April 2017

The Species list stands at 133 so far for 2017

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April 23rd

A slow moving weekend with grey skies both mornings and a wet drizzle most of Saturday morning. Good news was that Chiddy's Spotted Redshank was still present at Feast hide and showing very well from Harrison's on Sunday. Saturday also had a nice showy Nightingale near Reed bed hide, 1 of at least 4 in now, more Garden Warblers singing and showing and 2 Common Terns making use of he new raft. The Cattle Egret still spending time with the Cows in the small field opposite Stodmarsh court farm on both days with 3 Yellow Wagtails and 1 White Wagtail on Collard's field. Sunday morning the beautiful song of a the first returning, purring, Turtle Dove in the Paddock. Several Reed and Sedge Warblers in but no sound of any Grasshopper Warblers, yet!. Also new was a very vocal Greenshank that flew past Marsh hide while we were there and back at the Ramp mid morning a small flock of hirrundines  consisting of mostly Sand Martins and  few Swallows, we did locate 1 House Martin and 2 Swifts. Where are the House Martins this year? A Ruff flew in to the Ramp pool, possibly the sane one seen by Chiddy on Friday.

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Spotted Redshank

Spotted Redshank - Bryan East