The Species list stands at 102 so far for 2017
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This blog replaces the posting that used to be on the KOS website sightings page.
If you would like to send any sightings to me for posting, you can at
March 12th
A strange weekend with Saturday cloaked in fog much of the morning while Sunday was bright with a hazy overcast and not the forecast rain and, as today was WeBS day, was rather helpful. Saturday there was a migrant Chiffchaff in the Ramp bushes and a Wren singing its lungs out right beside our heads. Sunday the species counts were much the same just with better visibility. There were 42 Snipe, 2 Green Sandpipers, 5 Tufted Ducks, 14 Cetti's Warblers, 138 Teal, 83 Lapwings, 3 Shelduck and a Bittern at 05:45. There were 22 Coots, 2 ringtail Hen Harriers, 2 Black-tailed Godwits, 2 Grey Herons, 21 Greylag Geese, a pair of Pintail, 1 Little Egret, 26 Gadwall, 27 Mallards and 1370 Cormorants. The Wren was still singing in the Ramp bushes plus plenty more around the reserve, the pair of Linnets still present and a very confiding Blackbird, probably due to the juicy mealworms I've been feeding it the past few weeks!! There were 2 drake Wigeon, 3 Skylarks, 1 Kingfisher, 11 Moorhens, 18 Water Pipits 1 Water Rail,1 Pied Wagtail, 2 Little Grebes, 40 Mute Swans, 1 Little Owl, 5 singing Chiffchaffs, a pair of Bullfinches, 2 pairs of Stock Doves, 10 Pochards, 26 Black-headed Gulls and 3 pairs of Marsh Harrier. A single Bearded Tit was seen, a Sparrowhawk, 3 Buzzards, 1 Corn Bunting, 4 Yellowhammers and Tony Swandale saw a Great-white Egret fly by.