Sunday, 11 December 2016

        The Species list stands at 161 so far for 2016

View list Here

It would appear that the KOS have lost all sightings post from February up to present day and, they are nowhere to be found within the KOS website. Also gone is the species list for the year but, I do have a record of that of which I will post a link.
Sightings will now be posted here and will be up and running properly from January 1st.
If you would like to send any sightings to me for posting, you can at

December 11th

Yesterday (10th) was very dark, grey and murky with very fine drizzle but we did manage to see 4 Hen Harriers out of roost and 18 Marsh Harriers as well as a Barn Owl hunting before the Harriers arose, a Tawny Owl was calling from the Alder Wood upon arrival.
This morning (11th) was a much brighter day with clear skies and much better visibility. The Tawny Owl was once again calling but, from nearer Undertrees today and a Barn Owl was hunting out by Marsh hide. Two Snipe called overhead in the dark, 3 Water Rails were also heard and a Grey Heron barked in the darkness. At 07.11 the 17 Tundra Bean Geese took flight from the Grove Ferry end passing by me and over the Lampen Wall at 07.15 heading towards Collard's. Eventually 20 Marsh Harriers and 5 Hen Harriers left roost, the adult and 2nd winter male leaving together with the adult male mobbing the Barn Owl as it flew beneath them. A flock of roughly 300 Starling were murmurating over Grove and a record! 1042 Cormorants left there roost trees . On the lake there was an eclipse drake Wigeon, 3 Tufted Ducks, 5 Pochards, 40 Shoveler, 1445 Teal, 4 Gadwall, 3 Great-crested Grebes and 2 Little Grebes. A Little Egret flew over towards Grove, a Kingfisher buzzed past the Tower hide, 2 Cetti's Warblers struggled to get a full song out and 116 Lapwings passed over. There at least 280 Fieldfares present plus several continental Blackbirds still, a Sparrowhawk buzzed the reeds early doors and a Bittern flew across the top end of the lake landing in the reeds beside Tower hide where, it stood at the reed tops for several minutes before slinking into the undergrowth. The Alder Wood still fairly quiet with no Siskins or Redpoll yet but numbers of Chaffinch, Goldfinch and three Tit species present plus a couple of Treecreepers, 1 Goldcrest and a Green Woodpecker. Later the 17 Tundra Bean Geese were again on Collard's field as were the 278 Greylag Geese.