Saturday 9th was arrival as
usual at the Grove Ferry entrance with Alan Ashdown meeting me at the gate. On
arrival at the viewing Ramp it was noticeable that 20+ ‘small’ Swans were on
the pond and as the light improved it was possible to identify 23 Bewick’s
Swans with 3 Mute Swans. Four of the Bewick’s were juveniles and two, possibly
three, were sub-adult. They all stayed on the reserve until 8.30am before
flying off towards Chislet/Sarre in one flock, before that 138 Mute Swans had
all flown out in small groups with two groups of 36 coming from the Stodmarsh
direction. Also out this morning were 12 Marsh harriers but, only 1 Hen
harrier, a ringtail, while a Barn Owl was hunting below the orchard by Newbons
Farm. There were 3 Little Egrets present, Water Rail and Cetti’s Warbler made
themselves heard, 1 Pochard and 1 Tufted Duck were at the Feast hide while 2
Stonechats and 25+ Water Pipits were at Marsh hide along with 464 Lapwings. Dan
van Orsouw had relocated the Penduline Tit near the Alder Wood so Alan and I
went along to have a look meeting Brendan enroute. The walk back revealed
little else except 3 flyover Canada Geese.
14 of the 23 Bewick's Swans at Grove |
Three Bewick's ae they left for pasture |
Twenty Two of twenty trhee heading out. |
Sunday 10th I
parked at Stodmarsh and made my way to the first bend after the Lake Tower hide
along the Lampen Wall to watch the Harriers out of roost. There were 6 Hen
Harriers out this morning with 2 males. The first was a ringtail at 7.00am then
at 7.16 another ringtail and a male, a ringtail at 7.18 and finally a second
male and the 4th ringtail at 7.20 plus 13 Marsh Harriers out as
well. I was joined by Chiddy and Bernie who’d had Woodcock and Grey Partridge
on their way, a Sparrowhawk flew low over the reeds and a flock of 45 Siskins
flew past us heading towards the Alder Wood. Not a great deal on the lake
except a displaying pair of Great-crested Grebes, 1 Great Black-backed Gull, 44
Pochards, 5 Tufted Ducks and 1 Shelduck. The next two and half hours were spent
just outside the Alder Wood at the Reed Mace clump that the Penduline Tit had
been in yesterday. Today the Penduline showed very well virtually all morning
only disappearing a couple of times although, it was often at the back of the
stands of Reed Mace. While watching and attempting photography a Tawny Owl
called from within the Alder Wood and the Siskin flock flew overhead a couple of
times. Craig Sammels picked out a Lesser Redpoll on call as it flew into the
wood, he had also had a Green Sandpiper by Stodmarsh Court Farm on his way in.
On leaving Stodmarsh via Grove Ferry there were a few Redwing and Fieldfares in
the wet fields after the White House while another 3 Green Sandpipers were on
the edge of a puddle there and 3 Little Grebes were in the dyke behind the
White House.
Male Penduline showing well for over two hours in dull drizzly weather this fine morning |
Male Penduline showing well for over two hours in dull drizzly weather this fine morning |
Male Penduline showing well for over two hours in dull drizzly weather this fine morning |
Male Penduline showing well for over two hours in dull drizzly weather this fine morning |
Male Penduline showing well for over two hours in dull drizzly weather this fine morning |
Male Penduline showing well for over two hours in dull drizzly weather this fine morning |