Saturday, 23 February 2013

Early Oystercatcher

A morning in the Stour Valley with a bitterly cold easterly wind Alan and I walked the circuit noting 1 Grey Partridge calling from the fields adjacent to the Boathouse at 6.14am while from the Ramp there were 8 Dunlin, 1 Redshank, 2 Shelducks and a few Teal with 9 marsh Harriers passing out of the reserve as well as 50 Mute Swans. Unusually there were a number of Rooks flying low over the reeds with a flock of 24 early morning and another 32 at midday. Also noted were 2 Grey Herons, 1 Little Egret, 3 Cetti’s Warblers, 2 Water rails and 1 Sparrowhawk. Little of note from Feast hide except 8 Tufted Ducks while at Marsh hide there was a single Snipe and 11 Water Pipits. There were 9 Siskins feeding on a low Alder near the fishing ponds before the Alder Wood and on the lake at Stodmarsh there were25 Pochards and 24 Tufted Ducks. Alan picked out an Oystercatcher on the new Tern raft at 9.50am so I text the locals but found it unnecessary to tweet as it’s hardly a scarce bird. This one is our earliest valley bird as most turn up in May.
Only other birds of note on the lake were 2 Great Black-backed Gulls, 1 Black-headed Gull, 1 Herring Gull and 19 Gadwall. Not a lot to see along the river except another 12 Water Pipits on the Grazing marsh, a small party of 8 Long-tailed Tits and a single Redwing. For those who know about the car I have purchased for restoration, it is now down to a body shell and rolling chassis. The engine and gearbox came out yesterday (Friday). The photo also shows the holes in the floor where I need to buy complete new floor panels for the boot and under the seats.
The GT6 body shell

The under floor showing holes with very large boot floor hole!

The rolling chassis with engine and gearbox still in

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Penduline Again, Tit

Saturday 16th. This morning Mark Chidwick was waiting at the entrance gate to Grove Ferry when I arrived having heard 7 Tawny Owls, although I have to say the three more heard after my arrival appeared to emanate from the same bird! Alan Ashdown followed shortly after and we made our way to the viewing Ramp where there was no sign of any Bewick’s Swans despite Alan having the 23 yesterday. There were 2 Shelducks on the pool and when the Lapwing flock was flushed by a passing male Sparrowhawk there were 3 Dunlin in with them. A ‘loose’ flock of 7 Marsh harriers passed over followed by another 4 a little later plus 4 Hen harriers passed through Grove including 2 males. A Little Egret dropped out of sight in to the right hand pool and another was from Marsh hide where there were also 620 Lapwings and 32 Water Pipits while at least 30 Wigeon took flight from the Oxbow. Passing through the Alder Wood we never made it as far as the Lampen Wall as we came across several watchers, waiting for the Penduline Tit to appear. While we spent a good 4 hours here chatting and watching we saw 2 Chiffchaffs, 25+ Siskins, 3 Lesser Redpolls, heard 2 Water Rails and watched 3 distant Common Buzzards. The female Penduline Tit was more mobile this morning spending time in the top of the Alders at one point as well as disappearing in to nearby Willows for long periods. It has been reported as a male but, if you actually watch the bird and look at it through a telescope its plain to see that it has a rather pale brown back, a clean whitish breast and a narrow mask just hitting the top of the eye. A male should have a deep chestnut back, russet/orangey breast and a broad mask that widens behind the eye. On the way back to Grove the only additions were a single Redshank and 3 or 4 singing Skylarks.
Penduline Tit

Penduline Tit

Penduline Tit

Penduline Tit
Sunday 17th. A little drive around the lanes of the Stour Valley recording area in the early hours produced 4 Tawny Owls and 1 Little Owl. One Tawny at Fordwich, one in a tree beside the car at Trenleypark, one near Higham Farm and one by Stodmarsh Court Farm along with the Little Owl. It was nice to hear a few Robins and Song Thrushes singing this morning giving an indication that spring is on its way! The pools and dykes were all frozen on arrival this morning with just 66 Lapwings on the ice from the Ramp. From here a barn Owl was hunting between the back pools and the ‘White House’, 8 Marsh Harriers including 4 males left roost and 1 male Hen Harrier was seen. There were 6 Linnets, 2 Little Egrets, 364 Cormorants streaming out from Stodmarsh and 120 Mute Swans (114 that left the reserve). There were only 3 Tufted Ducks from feast hide and that was it, 16 Teal from Harrison’s hide and 5 Skylarks in the fields behind. Taking the route via the river there were a few Lapwing and Wigeon on the Oxbow but most had left by the time I got there so no counts were made but, on the Grazing Marsh just beyond the Oxbow there were 39 Water Pipits, 17 Meadow Pipits and 7 Reed Buntings feeding in the short wet grass. A Sparrowhawk flew out of the’ Jungle’ as I passed through while on the lake at Stodmarsh there were, 27 Tufted Ducks, 4 Great-crested Grebes, 1 Little Grebe, 38 Pochards, 6 Wigeon, 2 Shelducks, 58 Shoveler, 15 Gadwall, 118 Teal, 23 Black-headed Gulls and, a Great Black-backed Gull on the (new) Tern raft sporting a damaged wing and looking a bit sickly. Oh, and the dead Cormorant is still hanging from the tree in the middle of the lake. Passing through the Boardwalk to the Alder Wood the female Penduline Tit was still present while on the rest of the journey back to Grove there were just 1 Grey Heron, 6 Greylag Geese and several encounters with Wrens.
Marsh harrier

Tufted Duck

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Penduline Tit Brigthens a Dull Weekend

Saturday 9th was arrival as usual at the Grove Ferry entrance with Alan Ashdown meeting me at the gate. On arrival at the viewing Ramp it was noticeable that 20+ ‘small’ Swans were on the pond and as the light improved it was possible to identify 23 Bewick’s Swans with 3 Mute Swans. Four of the Bewick’s were juveniles and two, possibly three, were sub-adult. They all stayed on the reserve until 8.30am before flying off towards Chislet/Sarre in one flock, before that 138 Mute Swans had all flown out in small groups with two groups of 36 coming from the Stodmarsh direction. Also out this morning were 12 Marsh harriers but, only 1 Hen harrier, a ringtail, while a Barn Owl was hunting below the orchard by Newbons Farm. There were 3 Little Egrets present, Water Rail and Cetti’s Warbler made themselves heard, 1 Pochard and 1 Tufted Duck were at the Feast hide while 2 Stonechats and 25+ Water Pipits were at Marsh hide along with 464 Lapwings. Dan van Orsouw had relocated the Penduline Tit near the Alder Wood so Alan and I went along to have a look meeting Brendan enroute. The walk back revealed little else except 3 flyover Canada Geese.
14 of the 23 Bewick's Swans at Grove

Three Bewick's ae they left for pasture

Twenty Two of twenty trhee heading out.
Sunday 10th I parked at Stodmarsh and made my way to the first bend after the Lake Tower hide along the Lampen Wall to watch the Harriers out of roost. There were 6 Hen Harriers out this morning with 2 males. The first was a ringtail at 7.00am then at 7.16 another ringtail and a male, a ringtail at 7.18 and finally a second male and the 4th ringtail at 7.20 plus 13 Marsh Harriers out as well. I was joined by Chiddy and Bernie who’d had Woodcock and Grey Partridge on their way, a Sparrowhawk flew low over the reeds and a flock of 45 Siskins flew past us heading towards the Alder Wood. Not a great deal on the lake except a displaying pair of Great-crested Grebes, 1 Great Black-backed Gull, 44 Pochards, 5 Tufted Ducks and 1 Shelduck. The next two and half hours were spent just outside the Alder Wood at the Reed Mace clump that the Penduline Tit had been in yesterday. Today the Penduline showed very well virtually all morning only disappearing a couple of times although, it was often at the back of the stands of Reed Mace. While watching and attempting photography a Tawny Owl called from within the Alder Wood and the Siskin flock flew overhead a couple of times. Craig Sammels picked out a Lesser Redpoll on call as it flew into the wood, he had also had a Green Sandpiper by Stodmarsh Court Farm on his way in. On leaving Stodmarsh via Grove Ferry there were a few Redwing and Fieldfares in the wet fields after the White House while another 3 Green Sandpipers were on the edge of a puddle there and 3 Little Grebes were in the dyke behind the White House.
Male Penduline showing well for over two hours in dull drizzly weather this fine morning

Male Penduline showing well for over two hours in dull drizzly weather this fine morning

Male Penduline showing well for over two hours in dull drizzly weather this fine morning

Male Penduline showing well for over two hours in dull drizzly weather this fine morning

Male Penduline showing well for over two hours in dull drizzly weather this fine morning

Male Penduline showing well for over two hours in dull drizzly weather this fine morning

Saturday, 2 February 2013

January, it’s been quiet!



There has been very little to write about from the Valley so far this year, the weather has been against weekend birding (alright for part timers and retirees, eh?) and what has been about has been pretty much the same each time. There have been at least 5 Bitterns with a nice showy bird on the 1st that flew close by the Reedbed hide but birds are being seen from Grove Ferry, Marsh hide and along the Lampen Wall with others at Westbere, 2-3 birds there.
Bittern at Reedbed hide on Jan 1st
Bittern at Reedbed hide on Jan 1st

Bittern at Reedbed hide on Jan 1st
Collard’s remains as bleak as last year with hardly any Ducks on it just a few Pochard, Tufted and Wigeon although, a couple of Goldeneye hve been present. The Harrier roosts contains at least 10 Marsh harriers but there is probably upwards of 16 birds plus 3 or 4 (possibly 5) Hen Harriers, a Peregrine has put in a show on some days and 3 or 4 Sparrowhawks are on the reserve. Steve Ashton had a Penduline Tit on the 5th but, we were too far ahead and it had gone when we got back to him a minute or two later. On the 27th (my last birding day of January I was lucky enough to encounter 3 redhead Smew from the Reedbed hide but otherwise, Peregrine aside, it was yet again hard work. I also saw two very close Smew (again redheads) on restharrow Scrape in Sandwich om my way home from Grove on the 19th.
Smew at Sandwich Bay
Smew from Reedbed hide
Today, the 2nd February Alan and I had 23 Bewick’s Swans from the Ramp while 1 Woodcock, 12 marsh harriers and 2 ringtail Hen Harriers were seen there was very little else.
Stonechat at Restharrow on the ice

Fieldfare at Stodmarsh

Fieldfare at Stodmarsh

Coal Tit Collie Corner Collard's
At 11.45 I thought it would be nice to run Alan over to Ramsgate Harbour as he’d never seen a Great-northern Diver before and this would be the first five lifers he’s hoping to see this year. On arrival the Diver was way of near the harbour mouth but it wasn’t long before it swam down closer to us. Being a good friend of the Harbour Master not Chiddy, that’s Dover!!) I was able to obtain a parking permit and, he gave me the gate codes to go down on to the pontoons amongst the fishing boats where Chiddy and I were able to get very close to it.

Great-northern Diver at Ramsgate Harbour
Great-northern Diver at Ramsgate Harbour

Great-northern Diver at Ramsgate Harbour

Great-northern Diver at Ramsgate Harbour
Last week I managed to purchase a car that I have been after for some while now after seeing one on a re-run of an old Randall and Hopkirk episode a few years back. The car in question was a 1968 Triumph GT6 MK2 and it will take me away from birding some weekends while I spend time restoring it.
1968 Triumph GT6 i'm restoring

1968 Triumph GT6 i'm restoring

1968 Triumph GT6 i'm restoring

1968 Triumph GT6 i'm restoring